The summer school is focused on the advanced methods of biomedical image analysis with emphasis on bio-(microscopy) image analysis. The main goal is to make the students familiar with the advanced state-of-the-art techniques of image deconvolution, image registration, mathematical morphology, image segmentation, object detection and tracking, synthetic image generation, validation and benchmarking, etc. The focus will be on the methodology suitable for multiple applications.
Target groups are Master and Ph.D. students of computer science, mathematics or engineering backgrounds specialized in signal and image processing. Students are supposed to know the basics of signal and image processing, machine learning and have some programming experience in this field.
The main activities of the course will be theoretical lectures supplemented by practical examples run in PC labs.
This course is supported from the program for large research infrastructures of the Ministry of Education, Youth and Sports within the project “National Infrastructure for Biological and Medical Imaging (Czech-BioImaging – LM2023050)“.