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A poster competition is organized during the summer school. The posters will compete in their presentation style, clarity and scientific accuracy using which the presented problem is introduced and solution is demonstrated. Considering together all these factors, the organizers will elect three best posters and present an award to their presenting authors during the Closing session on Friday, 9th September.

The awards are:

  1. 300EUR for the best poster
  2. 200EUR for the 2nd best poster
  3. 100EUR for the 3rd best poster
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Wei Liao from Universität Heidelberg is receiving his 1st place award for his poster ``A Probabilistic Minimal Path Technique for Automatic 3D Segmentation of Cerebral Vasculature from 7 Tesla MRA Images'':

Andreas Kårsnäs from Uppsala Universitet is receiving his 2nd place award for his poster ``Learning histopathological patterns'':

Muhammad Farhan from Tampere University of Technology is receiving his 3rd place award for his poster ``Splitting of clumps of convex objects using rectangular window-based concavity point-pair search'':

More photos are shown in the Photos page.

Summer School of Masaryk University 2011
Centre for Biomedical Image Analysis, Faculty of Informatics

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The section Programme has been updated with venue information. Aug 26, 2011
The section Travel Information has been updated. Aug 15, 2011
The section Travel Information has been updated. Jul 29, 2011
Added new sections Local Information and Free Time. Jun 29, 2011

The House at Four Noodles

Courtesy of V. Mádr