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Weekend Trip

The Moravian Karst is the largest and best developed karst territory in the Czech Republic and features the broadest spectrum of karst formations in the country. Four caves located in the most heavily visited northern part of the Moravian Karst are open to the public: the Sloupsko-Šošůvské, Balcarka, Kateřina and Punkva caves. Punkva Cave, which offers boat rides along the underground Punkva Stream, is the most popular with visitors. This cave also features the Macocha Chasm, which is surrounded by a legend based on actual events.

All participants are welcome to join the organized trip to the Punkva caves. The meeting point is in front of the hotel at 9:00 on Saturday, 3th September. Warm clothes is preferred. Average temperature in the cave is about 4°C and the duration of the visit is about 1 hour. The bus will leave the Karst at 16:30.

Summer School of Masaryk University 2011
Centre for Biomedical Image Analysis, Faculty of Informatics

Latest updates
The section Programme has been updated with venue information. Aug 26, 2011
The section Travel Information has been updated. Aug 15, 2011
The section Travel Information has been updated. Jul 29, 2011
Added new sections Local Information and Free Time. Jun 29, 2011

The Jurkovič Villa

Courtesy of M. Žáková